Monday, September 6, 2010

Double Rebozo (DR) and Short Back Cross Carry (SBCC)

More carries today!

Also, more carries I was dreading, and for good reason this time. I do not consider these safe carries for Max right now. With double rebozo, you basically have the equivalent of a back carry with two ring slings, kinda like the rebozo back carry from the other day, only with a pass in each direction. There's still nothing between the baby's legs, so all he has to do is bounce and arch really well, and he'll slide out the bottom. With SBCC, there's cross passes between the legs, but in doing so, the passes tend to separate into a downward V-shape on the baby's back. Have I mentioned that Max also likes to lean back when wrapped? Yeah, he could eventually manage to flip out backward.

So why does anyone use these carries? Well, based on the feedback on COTW, not many people do! These seemed really challenging and unpopular. I think the benefit is that they can be done with a shorty (2.6m or so). Again, I don't have a shorty, so I went with my extra-wide BBSlen so I'd have all the security I could muster. I didn't wear Max in these carries for long, but I can report that the knotted shoulder felt diggy and the straps hurt more than with RRRR from yesterday, I believe because I really struggled with the shoulder flip part of these carries and lost most of the tension each time.

 I actually pulled off an OK DR. It was pretty textbook other than a bunched top rail (see pic below), complete with the same great pocket as yesterday, thanks to my new double-handed tucking technique. My SBCC sucked. I've worked on this one before, and it sucked then, and has not improved with time. It was safe, I think, but the pocket was waaay too deep. I'm bad at keeping tension through the middle of the wrap when wrapping, and this carry really exposes that weakness because there's nothing else supporting the baby. So poor Max looked pretty uncomfortable and I didn't leave him in there for long. This carry also really killed my shoulders because, as you can see, he's hanging from them rather than being pressed up against my back.

Looks pretty good from here...
...but, um, YIKES! Hi-YAH! Karate foot.
Almost as bad over here!


Here you can see that the top rail is a little bunched.

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